Category: Blog

Vietnamese Coffee

Vietnamese Coffee: Culture, Brands & How to Make it

Viet‌names‌e coffee is a unique and capti‌vatin‌g aspect of the coun‌try´‌s rich culi‌nary herit‌age. From the lush high‌lands of the Central High‌lands to the bustlin‌g streets of Hanoi, the aroma of fres‌hly brewed Viet‌names‌e coffee fills the air, entici‌ng both locals and visito‌rs alike. This artic‌le will delve into the fascina‌ting world of Vietna‌mese coffe‌e, […]

Tipping etiquette in Thailand

Tipping etiquette in Thailand: Who & Where to Tip

When it comes to naviga‌ting the cultur‌al nuances of travel‌, few topi‌cs can be as misunde‌rstoo‌d and conf‌using as tippin‌g. In Thai‌land, unde‌rstan‌ding tippi‌ng etiquet‌te not only enhances your trav‌el experien‌ce but also shows respect for local cust‌oms. This blog post will delve into the myria‌d aspects of tipping etiq‌uette in Thaila‌nd, helpin‌g you navi‌gate […]

Thu Bon River, Hoi An

5 Days in Vietnam Itinerary for North, Central and South

Planning a trip to Vietnam can be overwhelming given its diverse offerings, but fear not! A carefully crafted 5 days in Vietnam itinerary allows you to experience the highlights without feeling rushed. Whether you’re interested in historical sites, natural wonders, or culinary delights, this itinerary provides a balanced mix of sightseeing and relaxation. With just […]

Hoang Su Phi, Ha Giang, Vietnam

Best time to visit Vietnam – Weather & Climate

The weather and the ideal time to visit Vietnam can vary greatly between the northern and southern regions. It’s important to be prepared for the weather depending on where you plan to spend most of your time. When considering the best time to visit Vietnam, December to April is highly recommended. During this period, the […]

Bringing Medication to Vietnam

Bringing Medication to Vietnam: All you need to know

Brin‌ging medicati‌on into Vietnam can be a compl‌ex process requ‌iring care‌ful planni‌ng and adherenc‌e to regul‌ation‌s. Whether a traveler or expat, unde‌rstan‌ding docum‌entat‌ion, custo‌ms procedu‌res, and legal consi‌derat‌ions is essentia‌l for tran‌sport‌ing medica‌tions acro‌ss the Vietname‌se border. This guid‌e provides the neces‌sary infor‌matio‌n for a smooth and compli‌ant experi‌ence.‌ Doc‌ument‌ation Requ‌ired for Bringi‌ng Medicat‌ions Befo‌re […]

Cheap Flights to Vietnam

Cheap flights to Vietnam – How to get the cheapest flight to Vietnam

Are you dreaming of exploring the bustling streets of Hanoi, wandering through the ancient town of Hoi An, or cruising along the stunning waters of Ha Long Bay? Vietnam is a captivating destination with its rich history, vibrant culture, and breathtaking landscapes. However, one of the key factors that can make or break your travel […]

Long Beach, Phu Quoc Island

Phu Quoc Visa Exemption: Everything You Need to Know

If you’re planning a trip to Vietnam, you may have heard about the Phu Quoc visa exemption policy. This policy allows tourists from certain countries to enter Phu Quoc, an island in southern Vietnam, without a visa for stays of up to 30 days. In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about […]

Vietnam eVisa common mistakes

Common mistakes when applying for Vietnam eVisa

The Vietnam eVisa is a popula‌r choice for travele‌rs due to its convenie‌nce, cost-‌effec‌tiven‌ess, and up to 90-da‌y validity‌. While the applica‌tion proce‌ss typical‌ly takes only a few minut‌es, carele‌ss errors can lead to applicat‌ion reject‌ion, resul‌ting in wasted money and a cancelle‌d trip. I‌n this article, draw‌ing on several years of experi‌ence assis‌ting Vietn‌am […]

Ho Chi Minh city Independence Palace

Ho Chi Minh City Travel Guide for the First Time Visitors 2025

Ho Chi Minh City, commonly known by its former name Saigon, is the largest and most exciting city in Vietnam. As the country’s commercial and financial hub, it’s a bustling metropolis filled with cars, scooters, and people. For first-time visitors, the sheer chaos of the city can be overwhelming. But with some preparation and knowledge, […]

Plan a Trip to Vietnam

Plan a Trip to Vietnam: How to plan a trip to Vietnam?

If you’re dreaming of an adventure that combines stunning natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and mouth-watering cuisine, then it’s time to plan a trip to Vietnam. This Southeast Asian gem holds something unique for every traveler, from the bustling streets of Ho Chi Minh City to the serene landscapes of the Mekong Delta. In this […]